Dillman Family Reunions

2024 Dillman Family Reunions

We will add Dillman Family Reunions as we are informed of their scheduling and locations.  Know of one coming up?  Please let us know!  If you know which DFA Family Group the reunion is associated with, that would also be helpful information to others looking for reunions they might be interested in attending.





Six great reasons for attending the bi-annual Dillman Family Association Genealogical Conference!

The Dillman Family Association is pleased to welcome guests and members join us for an exciting Genealogical Conference.  We understand that there are many different approaches to genealogical research and we have assembled a program that reflects this diversity.  Many genealogists today like to take advantage of the free and subscription based digital records.  We will have several speakers who will walk through demos and pitfalls in using these tools – FamilySearch.org, MyHeritage.com and Ancestry.com. 

For those interested in detailed searching through original records, we will have a guest speaker specializing in records that are local or unique to Kentucky. Others may wish to pursue a hybrid approach making use of many different sets of records and we will have many experienced genealogists on hand to share their experiences and tips they have learned along the way.  All of our presenters are ready and available to answer any questions that may assist attendees work beyond their current stumbling blocks.  Most of all, the Dillman Family Association strives to provide additional context that brings your ancestors’ stories and experiences to life!

Additionally, we wish to highlight that there are at least six great reasons for attending the 2024 conference:


  1. The Dillman Family Association Library will be there! Assembled over more than two decades, Phil Dillman will have on display detailed notebooks on many family lines as well as our growing collection of Dillman photos and other memorabilia. You may find something you did not know about your Dillman family line in our Library.


  1. Dillman Family Reunion Attendees are invited to share what they know and do not know about their Dillman family line. Although much has been learned about many Dillman family lines, there are still unanswered questions.


  1. A local genealogical expert will help us understand the ins and outs of Dillman family ancestry and migration paths through Kentucky. We also hope to have someone with knowledge of the cultural practices, the reasons for migrating to Kentucky as well as the water and overland migration routes.


  1. Update on DNA testing. Seventy-one individuals have volunteered for paternal DNA tests that has identified 19 distinct family lines. The latest results and likely next steps will be discussed.


  1. The “Family Migration Project” started in 2019 has allowed us to digitally trace Dillman travel events between countries. This project has helped us learn about new Dillmans and new family lines. To date, the DFA has identified 165 families across six continents and at least 6 of these have called Kentucky home at one time or another.


  1. You may meet a cousin for the first time. At past Dillman Family Reunions, cousins who did not know each other existed have been surprised to meet face to face. Also we will be hosting an Open House on Friday evening (Aug 9) for those who can’t attend the Dillman Family Reunion, but wish to learn more and meet other Dillman descendants!


Everyone with interest in knowing more about Dillman (Diehlmann, Dillmann, Dieleman, Dihlmann, Stillman etc.) ancestry is cordially invited to attend. For updates on the conference program as it continues to develop, please visit our web page:  https://dillmanfamilyassociation.org/

To list your family reunion here please email the Webmaster.