Additional Genealogical DNA References
- Contributions to the Dillman DNA Project will be greatly appreciated. The donation may be a personal gift or made in memory of a loved one. The DillmanFamilyAssociation are all volunteers therefore 100 % of every contribution is returned to the association for the benefit of all Dillman genealogists, world wide.
- is the world's largest collection of DNA projects. Looking for another surname DNA project, a speaker, and/or brochures about genealogical DNA, this IS the place.
- The Eccles Institute of Human Genetics of the University of Utah discusses many interesting and helpful topics.
- Dr. Kerchner's DNA Resources Page in particular his Genetic Genealogy 101 and Genetic Genealogy Glossary of terms and definitions.
- FamilyTreeDna
- FamilyTreeDna Video - the benefits of genealogical DNA. You will be able to watch this via 56K modem or high speed connections.
- FamilyTreeDna Forums
- German forensic database, as of 2004 with over 24,000 test results - searchable.
- International Society of Genetic Genealogy
- Sorenson Molecular Genealogy
- Y-base: an open and searchable database - sponsored by DNA Heritage.
- Y-base: genealogy by the numbers
- Y-Search - FamilyTreeDNA's searchable world wide open database regardless of laboratory.
- Genealogy-DNA-L Listed URL's